Our newest niece: Ava Gaile
This year, Chad and I got the chance to do some traveling to see our families in various states. A highlight was in mid-December when we got to meet our very first niece on Chad's side of the family! Little Ava Gaile was 14 days old when we met her and was adorable as ever. Talk about the best early Christmas gift ever—Ava was born on December 4th at 6 lbs. and 19 inches long.
It was so special to watch Kyle (Chad's brother) and Kelly be parents for the first time. They helped each other out, talked to Ava and consoled her when she was fussy, and their genuine love for her was so obvious. Although they have some initial nerves about raising a child (how could you NOT?), Kyle and Kelly will have no problem. Kyle is a college football coach and Kelly is a high school science teacher—Ava's teen and young adult years will be a breeze! But—sleep-deprived or not—seeing them with a little newborn was so sweet. We're very proud of them and are VERY excited about their future with Ava. She's in great hands!
Chad is certainly one proud Uncle, and I'm excited to be an Aunt to Ava. Bring on the spoiling...