"Home" for the holidays
Thanks @themandergrace for this shot!
"Home for the holidays" was a complex phrase for us over the last ten days.
We were "home" in Illinois as we visited Chad's family farm and met our 14-day old niece, Ava. We were "home" in St. Louis when we spent quality time with two of our best friends soon before they got engaged. We were "home" while traveling when we could touch and see snow for the first time since moving to North Carolina. We were "home" when my Mom, sisters and niece drove down to Raleigh from Michigan to spend the weekend with us as soon as we got back. On Sunday, it was great to be "home" with fun friends at church. (We love Elevation RDU!)
And now, while reminiscing over hot chai in a quiet house (and turning away from the explosion of suitcases in our bedroom) we are "home" at our desks in Raleigh. Happy holidays, indeed! My heart is full.